Joshua van Asakinda was born 22 September, 1979 near Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He holds a master's degree from American Military University, and a bachelor's degree from the University of Pittsburgh, where he studied psychology and philosophy. During that time, he began developing his “heroic theory” of psychology, and has self-published a number of books, including Slay the Maiden and Stranging the Beautiful Noise. As a master-level consulting psychologist, he specializes in male, trauma, and leadership psychology. He now works primarily in the tech sector; he is the founder of Guinevere, TRIBE, TRIBE: I/O, and Head of Operations at Platonic Systems Limited. Finally, he is a Buddhist, and First of the Zenshida’i, creator of Pencak Silat Cimande dari Zenshida'i.
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Joshua van Asakinda
Odinn Valfather Technologies, LLC